Published Oct 15, 2007

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Jorge Oviedo Albán



In the present work, from a legal, scientific and jurisprudential perspective, the concept and scope of preliminary dealings are studied under Colombian law private contracts, by indicating the sense given to good faith in the pre-contractual stage and to the duties of behavior derived there from. As well, the United Nations on the International Sale of Goods and Unidroit Principles are analyzed for domestic and international contracts. Subsequently, the juridical nature of liability arising from breaching of the duty of good faith is analyzed, showing the arguments of contractual theories and torts theories, as well as harm subject to payment of damages.


preliminary dealings, contracts, civil liabilityTratos preliminares, contratos, responsabilidad civil

How to Cite
Oviedo Albán, J. (2007). PRELIMINARYDEALINGSANDPRE-CONTRACTUALLIABILITY. Vniversitas, 57(115), 83–116. Retrieved from