Published Oct 15, 2006

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Francisco Javier Ezquiaga Ganuzas



This article shows a series of thoughts about justice, electoral justice, and democracy, based on questions such as: Is the judiciary a relevant issue in order to strengthen democracy? What common characteristics and differences does the electoral justice have related to the judiciary in general, in order to strengthen democracy? Which social model must be propelled by electoral justice? And finally, are electoral justice and democracy a couple with future?

The analyses around these questions are shown having as a conceptual framework the Mexican legislation and the existing legal doctrine, especially the Spanish. Thus, this article cannot pretend to give an answer to such complex questions, rather discuss them within a Mexican context. 


Electoral justice, democracy, judiciary, judicial activity, MexicoJusticia electoral, democracia, poder judicial, actividad judicial, México

How to Cite
Ezquiaga Ganuzas, F. J. (2006). JUSTICE, ELECTORAL JUSTICE AND DEMOCRACY. Vniversitas, 55(112), 9–33. Retrieved from