Published Apr 15, 2005

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Raúl Velásquez Gavilanes

María Andrea García Ruiz

Gabriel Enrique Arjona Pachón



This article presents a prospective analysis of the public policy that seeks the modification of the Colombian Constitution to allow that the alcaldes and gobernadores who are in office seek their reelection. The authors sustain that this new figure will offer important advantages to the local political systems. However, they conclude with three recommendations to avoid the failure of the policy. Firstly, policy makers should order a gradual implementation by starting with those municipios and departamentos that show better conditions to assume the change. Secondly, the reelection must no be allowed to those authorities that are in office at the moment of the approval of the constitutional amendment. Finally, the enactment of reelection should be accompanied with several other institutional arrangements so as to fulfilling the advantages and reducing the risks of this new local institution. 


Reelección, sistemas políticos locales, neoinstitucionalismoReelection, local political systems, neoinstitutionalism

How to Cite
Velásquez Gavilanes, R., García Ruiz, M. A., & Arjona Pachón, G. E. (2005). REELECCIÓN INMEDIATA DE ALCALDES Y GOBERNADORES: VENTAJAS, RIESGOS Y RECOMENDACIONES DE POLÍTICA. Vniversitas, 54(109), 533–582. Retrieved from

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