Published Oct 15, 2004

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Ilva Myriam Hoyos Castañeda



This paper upholds the thesis that Pope JOHN PAUL II takes on the basic issues of the classical understanding of jurisprudence, but he enhances its meaning in order to work out a personalist or humanist conception of right and law according to which justice and law organize or harmonize themselves into and because of the person. Following the principle of justice unicuique suum, it must be accepted that rights are personal and social assets, characterized as being somebody’s own and unrenounceable goods, and as having a universal validity and being that which is due to others. From de personalist point of view, justice, law and right are related to love because they express the person’s transcendent dignity. 


JOHN PAUL II, humanism, social justice, law, ecclesiastical lawJUAN PABLO II, humanismo, justicia social, derecho, derecho eclesiástico

How to Cite
Hoyos Castañeda, I. M. (2004). EL HUMANISMO JURÍDICO DE JUAN PABLO II. Vniversitas, 53(108), 853–889. Retrieved from