Published Oct 15, 2003

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Carlos Alberto Soto Coaguila



In this paper, the author refers to the enforcement of contracts based on the principles of private autonomy and good faith. The author refers to aspects like elements and limits of private autonomy; contractual terms; prohibition of selling, according to the Peruvian Civil Code of 1984. The hypothesis consists on determine if the contractual principle of private autonomy is an absolute and unalterable principle, or if on the other hand its action field should be limited by the State with the purpose of avoiding the abuses.


Contracts, Good faith, Private autonomy, Crisis of contractcontratos, buena fe, autonomía de la voluntad, crisis del contrato.

How to Cite
Soto Coaguila, C. A. (2003). LA AUTONOMÍA PRIVADA Y LA BUENA FE COMO FUNDAMENTO DE LA FUERZA OBLIGATORIA DEL CONTRATO. Vniversitas, 52(106), 519–562. Retrieved from