Published Sep 5, 2019


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María Elisa Camacho López



In recent years, the regulation of the assignment of credits has undergone important changes within some Latin American civil codes, sometimes as a result of the influence of other codifying experiences, others by the influence of the projects of harmonization and unification of law, but we could undoubtedly affirm that it is also the evolution of the figure that has led some codes to separate from the discipline with which was initially introduced the assignment of credits in the nineteenth century codes.

In our opinion, these changes have led to its consolidation and updating, so it is convenient to highlight those changes that have occurred in the traditional discipline, to analyze the favorable and unfavorable aspects of them.


Assignment of credits; latinoamerican codes; non-assignable creditsCesión de créditos; códigos latinoamericanos; pacto de incesibilidad

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How to Cite
Camacho López, M. E. (2019). Analysis of the assignment of credits in some Latin American codes, with a view to their updating. Vniversitas, 68(139).