Published Jun 7, 2022


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Ian Henríquez Herrera



This article delimits the relative and absolute effects of the transaction contract, and analysis the dogmatic problem of passive solidarity, according to the current rules included in the Bello’s Civil Code. Through the historical and dogmatic method, we will review the conceptualization of the transaction contract and its singularities from a doctrinal perspective. Our conclusions, in the substantive, implies that the termination of the joint and several debts due to a transaction benefits the rest of the joint and several co-debtors.


contrato de transacción, efectos relativo y absoluto, solidaridad pasivatransaction contract, relative and absolute effect, passive solidarity

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How to Cite
Henríquez Herrera, I. (2022). The Relative and Absolut Effects of the Transaction Contract. The case of passive solidarity. Vniversitas, 71, 1–12.
Edición ordinaria