Published Jun 28, 2024


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Giovanna Patricia Uribe Vásquez



Since entering the legal profession in the 19th century, women have experienced gender-based discrimination. In the 1970’s, the number of women students in law schools and lawyers increased, which is called feminization of the profession. This phenomenon has led researchers to question whether women have been agents of change for the law, it’s practice, and women’s rights. In this research article, using analytical autoethnography I show moments of my personal history as a woman, lawyer, professor, and dean and how the writing of this article transformed me, as I tried to answer those questions.


Legal Education, Gender Stereotypes, Gender Discrimination, Feminization of the legal profession, Analytic Autoethnographyeducación jurídica, estereotipos de género, discriminación de género, feminización de la profesión jurídica, autoetnografía analítica

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How to Cite
Uribe Vásquez, G. P. (2024). Why does that Lawyer Smile? Gender Discrimination in Legal Education. Vniversitas, 73.
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