Published Dec 15, 2023


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Juan Felipe Parra Rosas



This article seeks to present the stories of resistance of three HIV+ migrants from Venezuela and four lawyers from NGOs and legal offices in Bogotá to analyze how migrants react to the exclusion created by law, using legal and non-legal resistance mechanisms for access to the care and treatment necessary to survive. The methodology used was several semi-structured interviews conducted in 2021 and 2022, using the snowball methodology. Each participant was interviewed several times through Zoom, and the audio of each interview was transcribed and analyzed through N-Vivo. As a theoretical framework for the data obtained, I used different study categories to address resistance mechanisms explained by Austin Sarat, Patricia Ewick, and Susan Silbey. As a result, migrants have managed to process their health needs through NGOs and support networks where people who have had experience facing different scenarios of exclusion, particularly in hospitals, advise others and teach them "tricks." In addition, the lawyers interviewed agree on the strategic use of the refugee application to be able to regularize people's migratory situation and thus achieve full access to the health system.


Migrants; HIV, resistance, law, exclusion, health, VenezuelaMigrantes; VIH, resistencia, derecho, exclusión, salud, Venezuela

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Normas consultadas:

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How to Cite
Parra Rosas, J. F. (2023). "Resisting" the law. The story behind access to the healthcare system for irregular migrant population living with HIV in Bogotá, Colombia. Vniversitas, 72.
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