Published Jun 25, 2013

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Ramiro Délio Borges de Meneses



Deconstruction must be understood, we contend, as the attempt to “account”, in a certain manner, for a heterogeneous variety or manifold of non-logical contradictions and discursive inequalities of all sorts that continues to haunt and fissure even the successful development of philosophical arguments and their systematic exposition. There is not in deconstruction a doctrine, a philosophy, a method. According to Derrida, it is only a “strategy” of decomposition to the Occidental metaphysics. Meanwhile, deconstruction accounts for these constitutive “contradictions” through the construction of arche-syntheses, or infrastructures, as we will call them hereafter. As long as its goal is believed to promote the above- mentioned licentious free play, nihilistic canceling out of opposites, abolition of hierarchies, and demystification or deideologization of Western philosophemes, deconstruction´s definite and logical procedure cannot be grasped in all its specificity.


Jacques Derrida, deconstrucción, método, estrategia, hospitalidadJacques Derrida, desconstrução, método, estratégia, hospitalidadeJacques Derrida, deconstruction, method, strategy, hospitality

How to Cite
Borges de Meneses, R. D. (2013). The Deconstruction in Jacques Derrida: What It Is and It Is Not as a Strategy. Universitas Philosophica, 30(60). Retrieved from