Published Jun 24, 2009

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Fernando Martínez Manrique



Contemporary theories of emotion view it as related to rational action. This paper begins stating two ways in which a system could be deemed rational, which I call the contributive and constitutive way. I assess the possibility whether emotion can be rational in both ways, as a system capable of producing rational action by itself. To this end I analyze the modular view of emotion, especially in a version of dual-system theory. I will argue that this view has at least two problems –the problem of integration and the problem of rational priority– that jeopardize the possibility of regarding it as a self-standing system for rational behaviour.


acción, emoción, modularidad, racionalidad, sistemas dualesaction, dual system theory, emotion, modularity, rationality

How to Cite
Martínez Manrique, F. (2009). Emotion, Modularity and Rationalaction. Universitas Philosophica, 26(52). Retrieved from