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M. Liliana Herrera A.


Reading Jaime García-Maffla' s book: ¿Qué es la poesía?, you realize only Philosophy and Poetry by themselves are able to tell us about their deep nature and filial relations. Throughout their efforts to apprehend their own concepts we can go over many paths to get into their proper ciphers and being. Philosophy and Poetry are irreconcilable in the way they grasp being, freedom and body. However, both of them are rooted in the origins, in the very emergence of human being and the perennial act of creation. So, they line up with mystery and ineffableness. By their talents and their eternal and unknown permutation of the conscious and the unconscious, both poets and philosophers go to the deep region of the ineffable and, having been educated in the necessary conscious effort involvedin a conversation with tradition, they succeed in listening to distant voices with reverence, questioning and letting them speak once more.

Poesía, filosofía, García MafflaPoetics, philosophy, García Maffla

How to Cite
Herrera A., M. L. (2014). A Poetics of the Ineffable: by the Way of García Maffla’s book: "¿Qué es la poesía?". Universitas Philosophica, 20(40-41). Retrieved from