Published Jun 28, 2024


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Amparo Carrillo Sáenz



The present article deals with Nietzsche’s ambivalent relationship with the Hellenistic philosophers in order to find out why, despite the extraordinary influence that these schools exerted on his thought, Nietzsche opposed them so violently in his later work. We will verify that Nietzsche’s main criticisms of these schools are very similar to those he will address to Christianity, and to the very idea of therapy, as a critique of the traditional way of conceiving it, which these schools seem to inaugurate and strengthen. Nietzsche identifies the Hellenistic philosophers as the fundamental promoters of nihilism, which he diagnoses as the major disease of Western culture, for which a suitable physician and effective treatment is required. Christian therapy was not the only one and, mainly, it was not the first, for it has the Hellenistic philosophers as clear predecessors and precursors. They also did not escape Nietzsche’s critical scrutiny, who, in his reconstruction of the clinical history of Western culture, identifies them as fundamental promoters of the disease he diagnoses, particularly for having created the necessary conditions and framework for the emergence of Christian therapy, preparing the ground and sowing the seeds without which Christianity could not have emerged and, above all, triumphed. The central reference for the development of this reflection will be paragraph 120 of The Gay Science, crucial for the argumentative thread.


estoicismo, epicureísmo, filosofía como terapia, enfermedad, cristianismostoicism, epicureanism, philosophy as therapy, illness, Christianity

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How to Cite
Carrillo Sáenz, A. (2024). Genealogy of the Concept of Therapy from a Nietzschean Perspective. A Look at the Hellenistic Schools and Their Relationship with Christianity. Universitas Philosophica, 41(82), 191–227.