Published Dec 16, 2022


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Helton Adverse



Taking the assumption that politics and war are related domains in Machiavelli, in this paper we intend to examine the specificity of the art of war in comparison with the art of the State. If the homologies between the two fields are evident, it remains to investigate the points at which they differ decisively. To do so, two things will have to be done: on the one hand, to highlight the main components of the art of war as a set of practices; on the other hand, to demonstrate that it can only achieve its objectives if it is capable of producing unity among the members of the army.


war, political philosophy, politics, Machiavelli, Renaissanceguerra, filosofia política, política, Maquiavel, Renascimentoguerra, filosofia política, política, Maquiavel, Renascimento

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How to Cite
Adverse, H. (2022). The Art of War and the Art of the State in Machiavelli. Universitas Philosophica, 39(79), 47–70.