Published Dec 16, 2022


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Camilo Salazar



The so called existence of God seems to be a problem that insists in Western thought. Understanding such existence through categories that allow to objectify it, seems to rest on paradoxes that obstruct its consistency, in such a way that the insistence of this problem points to the presence of an excess. This excess will be considered as a trace of that which exceeds, without determining its form. This approach will be developed in the intersection of two discourses that address, each in its own way, the issue of the status of this type of trace: psychoanalysis and theology. This intersection operates through a common element, the body, seen as the location of an Other who is only known to us through the concavity of its absence. From this common place a space could be thought of in which the problem of God’s existence acquires a consistency appropriate to it, in accordance with the texture of its own “body”.


God, body, Other, trace, sacredDios, cuerpo, Otro, huella, sagrado

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How to Cite
Salazar, C. (2022). God’s Trace in the Human Body. An Approach from Psychoanalysis and Theology. Universitas Philosophica, 39(79), 153–178.