Published Jun 30, 2023


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Sandra Lorena Flórez Guzmán



Exile, an experience that destroys the self and affective and spatial referents, represents, in the experience of various authors, an opportunity for rebirth on another soil. Through the exam of excerpts from the work of Hannah Arendt and María Zambrano, this article aims to explore the link between exile and the metaphysical experience in the life and work of two women who took on the challenge of reinventing themselves and finding, on their journey through the desert of loneliness, the opportunity to overcome the silencing imposed on women and refugees, outcasts of our time.



exile, natality, outcast, mysticism, amor mundiexile, nativité, paria, amour du monde, mystiqueexílio, natividade, pária, místico, amor mundiexilio, natalidad, paria, pensamiento místico, amor mundi

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How to Cite
Flórez Guzmán, S. L. (2023). A Mystical Vision of Exile in the Lives of Two Thinkers. Universitas Philosophica, 40(80), 117–132.