Published Jun 30, 2023


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Manuel Losada-Sierra



The French philosopher Gilbert Simondon is known for his critique of the way in which the substantialist and hylomorphic perspectives conceive individuation. For Simondon, individuation is not thought as an achieved plenitude but as a process in which the individual is constantly being constituted, both individually and collectively. In this way, he shows the shift from a theory of relation to a theory of individuation processes in which ontology gives way to ontogenesis. This article intends to show how Simondon’s thought on education is closely related to the way individuation is presented as a process and not as a result. If education is relationship, it occurs within a process of individuation instead of being the event of an encounter between already constituted individuals. Basically, the school, like individuation, is a field of tensions and potentialities. Simondon is optimistic that an education that improves communication conditions within educational processes will have restorative effects on the social fabric. This text will contribute not only to a greater knowledge of Simondon’s educational ideas, but also to think about education as an articulating axis of a more supportive and liberating society.


Simondon, individuation, education, metastability, communicationSimondon, individuación, educación, metaestabilidad, comunicación

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How to Cite
Losada-Sierra, M. (2023). The Process of Individuation in Gilbert Simondon’s Educational Project. Universitas Philosophica, 40(80), 171–193.