Published Dec 18, 2023


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Daniel Esteban Quiroz Ospina



This article seeks to outline schematically the philosophical problem that underlies the main thesis of the German philosopher Markus Gabriel, namely, that the world does not exist, or in other words, a totality of the real is neither possible nor conceivable, nor is there a transversal or fundamental element of reality as a whole This problem stems from the quintessential ontological question: What exists? This, in turn, is based on the question of what it means to exist. The analysis of the notion of existence will show that: (1) it cannot be an authentic property, as it does not allow the identification and distinction of objects; (2) because of this, there cannot be a total definition of ‘existence,’ and therefore, there cannot be a realm of objects characterized solely by it. The impossibility of this total realm will show that neither a totality of the real exists nor is conceivable.


existencia, totalidad, mundo, metafísica, sentidoexistence, fullness, world, metaphysics, sense

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How to Cite
Quiroz Ospina, D. E. (2023). If Something Exists, Everything Does Not Exist. The Negative Analysis of the Notion of Existence in the Ontology of the Fields of Meaning. Universitas Philosophica, 40(81), 93–117.