Capacidades dinámicas: líneas promisorias y desafíos de investigación
El marco de capacidades dinámicas ha recibido mucha atención en los camposde la estrategia, la administración y la economía porque ayuda a entender cómo las empresas enfrentan los cambios en el entorno, un tema central enel contexto de mercados abiertos y economías globalizadas. No obstante, hay intensas controversias que se deben identificar y resolver para poder desarrollarlo como cuerpo teórico consolidado. Este artículo revisa las principales áreas de debate y sugiere líneas promisorias de investigación con base en un grupo de artículos relevantes publicados desde 1997, seleccionados de acuerdo con el número de citas.
strategic management, dynamic capabilitiesgestión estratégica, capacidades dinámicasgestão estratégica, capacidades dinâmicas
Adner, R. and Helfat, C. E. (2003). Corporate effects and dynamic managerial capabilities. Strategic Management Journal, 24 (10), 1011-1025.
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Ambrosini, V., Bowman, C. and Collier, N. (2009). Dynamic capabilities: An exploration of how firms renew their resource base. British Journal of Management, 20, S9-S24.
Arend, R. and Bromiley, P. (2009). Assessing the dynamic capabilities view: Spare change, everyone? Strategic Organization, 7 (1), 75-90.
Arthurs, J. D. and Busenitz, L. W. (2006). Dynamic capabilities and venture performance: The effects of venture capitalists. Journal of Business Venturing, 21 (2), 195-215.
Augier, M. and Teece, D. (2008). Strategy as evolution with design: The foundations of dynamic capabilities and the role of managers in the economic system, Organization Studies, 29, 1187-1208.
Augier, M. and Teece, D. (2007). Dynamic capabilities and multinational enterprise: Penrosean insights and omissions. Management International Review, 47 (2), 175-192.
Augier, M. and Teece, D. (2008). Strategy as evolution with design: The foundations of dynamic capabilities and the role of managers in the economic system. Organization Studies, 29 (8-9), 1187-1208.
Augier, M. and Teece, D. (2009). Dynamic capabilities and the role of managers in business strategy and economic performance. Organization Science, 20 (2), 410-421.
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Cepeda, G. and Vera, D. (2007). Dynamic capabilities and operational capabilities: A knowledge management perspective. Journal of Business Research, 60 (5), 426-437.
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Di Stefano, G., Peteraf, M. and Verona, G. (2009). Dynamic capabilities deconstructed: A bibliographic investigation into the origins, development, and future directions of the research domain. Industrial and Corporate Change, 19 (4), 1187-1204.
Døving, E. and Gooderham, P. N. (2008). Dynamic capabilities as antecedents of the scope of related diversification: The case of small firm accountancy practices. Strategic Management Journal, 29 (8), 841-857.
Dubini, P. (1989). Which venture capital backed entrepreneurs have the best chances of succeeding. Journal of Business Venturing, 4, 123-132.
Easterby-Smith, M., Lyles, M. and Peteraf, M. (2009). Dynamic capabilities: Current debates and future directions. British Journal of Management, 20 (1), S1-S8.
Edwards, J. R. (2001). Multidimensional constructs in organizational behavior research: An integrative analytical framework. Organizational Research Methods, 4, 144-192.
Eisenhardt, K. M. and Martin, J. A. (2000). Dynamic capabilities: What are they? Strategic Management Journal, 21 (10-11), 1105-1121.
Eisenhardt, K. M. and Tabrizi, B. N. (1995). Accelerating adaptive processes: Product innovation in the global computer industry. Administrative Science Quarterly, 40 (1), 84-110.
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Galunic, D. C. and Eisenhardt, K. M. (2001). Architectural innovation and modular corporate forms. Academy of Management Journal, 44, 1229-1249.
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Griffith, D. A. and Harvey, M. G. (2001). A resource perspective of global dynamic capabilities. Journal of International Business Studies, 32 (3), 597-606.
Helfat, C., Finkelstein, S., Mitchell, W., Peteraf, M., Singh, H. and Winter, S. (2007). Dynamic capabilities: Understanding strategic change in organizations. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.
Helfat, C. and Winter, S. (2011). Untangling dynamic and operational capabilities: Strategy for the (n)ever-changing world. Strategic Management Journal, 32 (11), 1243-1250.
Helfat, C. E. (1997). Know-how and asset complementarity and dynamic capability accumulation: The case of R&D. Strategic Management Journal, 18 (5), 339-360.
Helfat, C. E. and Peteraf, M. A. (2003). The dynamic resource-based view: Capability lifecycles. Strategic Management Journal, 24 (10), 997-1010.
Jantunen, A., Puumalainen, K., Saarenketo, S. and Kyläheiko, K. (2005). Entrepreneurial orientation, dynamic capabilities and international performance. Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 3 (3), 223-243.
Katkalo, V., Pitelis, C. and Teece, D. (2010). Introduction: On the nature and scope of dynamic capabilities. Industrial and Corporate Change, 19 (4), 1175-1186.
Kelle, U. and Laurie, H. (1995). Computer use in qualitative research and issues of validity. In U. Kelle (Ed.), Computer-Aided qualitative data analysis: Theory, methods and practice (pp. 19-28). London: Sage.
King, A. A. and Tucci, C. L. (2002). Incumbent entry into new market niches: The role of experience and managerial choice in the creation of dynamic capabilities. Management Science, 48 (2), 171-186.
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Kraatz, M. S. and Zajac, E. J. (2001). How organizational resources affect strategic change and performance in turbulent environments: Theory and evidence. Organization Science, 12, 632-657.
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Lampel, J. and Shamsie, J. (2003). Capabilities in motion: New organizational forms and the reshaping of the Hollywood movie industry. Journal of Management Studies, 40, 2189-2210.
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Makadok, R. (2001). Toward a synthesis of the resource-based and dynamic-capability views of rent creation. Strategic Management Journal, 22 (5), 387-401.
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McKelvie, A. and Davidsson, P. (2009). From resource base to dynamic capabilities: An investigation of new firms. British Journal of Management, 20, S63-S80.
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Newbert, S. L. (2007). Empirical research on the resource-based view of the firm: An assessment and suggestions for future research. Strategic Management Journal, 28, 121-146.
Pablo, A., Reay, T., Dewald, J. and Casebeer, A. (2007). Identifying, enabling and managing dynamic capabilities in the public sector. Journal of Management Studies, 44, 687-708.
Peteraf, M. A. (1993). The cornerstones of competitive advantage. A resource-based view. Strategic Management Journal, 14, 179-191.
Pitelis, C. and Teece, D. (2009). The (new) nature and essence of the firm. European Management Review, 6 (1), 5-15.
Pitelis, C. and Teece, D. (2010). Cross border market co-creation, dynamic capabilities and the entrepreneurial theory of the multinational enterprise. Industrial and Corporate Change, 19 (4), 1247-1270.
Rosenbloom, R. (2000). Leadership, capabilities, and technological change: The transformation of NCR in the electronic era. Strategic Management Journal, 21, 1083-1103.
Rothaermel, F. T. and Hess, A. M. (2007). Building dynamic capabilities: Innovation driven by individual, firm, and network level effects. Organization Science, 18 (6), 898-921.
Salazar, A. and Peláez, E. (2011). The organic growth of dynamic capabilities for innovation within resource constrained environments. International Journal of Technology Management y Sustainable Development, 10 (3), 231-250.
Sapienza, H. J., Autio, E., George, G. and Zahra, S. A. (2006). A capabilities perspective on the effects of early internationalization on firm survival and growth. Academy of Management Review, forthcoming.
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