Published Dec 14, 2017


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Jimy Oblitas-Cruz, MSc

Erika Rojas-Gutierrez, MSc



Objectives: The aim of this research was to optimize the parameters for the vacuum impregnation of aloe vera into dried yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius Poepp. & Endl.) flakes. Methodology: A surface response methodology was use to evaluate the product optimization. Matrix engineering, using a vacuum impregnation technique, was employed to incorporate components with physiological activity into the pores present in the yacon flakes. An orange pulp yacon was used as the starting material and Aloe Gold Seal-Natural 200X (AGS) was used for the impregnate solution. A solution of 15 g/100 ml Natural aloe 200X Gold Seal-yacon was used to impregnate yacon samples measuring 40 mm in diameter and 5 mm thick. The results show an average impregnation of 0.0721 m3 of solution/ m3 fresh fruit and an effective porosity of 18.97%; the amount of aloe vera incorporated in the food matrix was between 22.5 and 54.6 mg/100g sample. Optimized parameters were identified as 451.777 mbar and 22.0711 minutes. Results: From the results, it is concluded that yacon is an excellent raw material for vacuum impregnation of  aloe vera.


Volumetric fraction, mass fraction, impregnation solution, physiologically active components, porous structures.Fracción volumétrica, fracción másica, solución de impregnación, componentes fisiológicamente activos, estructuras porosas

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How to Cite
Oblitas-Cruz, J., & Rojas-Gutierrez, E. (2017). Optimizing the incorporation of aloe vera in yacon (smallanthus sonchifolius poepp. & endl.) Through vacuum impregnation using response surface. Ingeniería Y Universidad, 22(1), 117–136.
Bioengineering and chemical engineering