Published Mar 16, 2012


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Wiliam Alfonso Arévalo-Camacho, MSc

Carlos Mario Zapata-Jaramillo, PhD



This paper presents a conceptual summary of computational dialog models, their performance and uses. First, the context of related and complementary issues is shown. After that, several techniques used in processing and using human-computer dialogues, as well as their benefits and troubles, are presented. Then, a critical analysis of many research projects is carried out. The proposed conceptual summary is based on pre-conceptual schemas, which permit knowledge representation based on a specific domain (computational dialogues in this case). Finally, new strategies in the use of computational dialogues are proposed in order to develop new projects in this field.


Human-computer interaction – research, software patterns, natural language processing (computer science)Interacción hombre computador– investigaciones, patrones de diseño de software, proceso de lenguaje natural (redes de computadores)

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How to Cite
Arévalo-Camacho, W. A., & Zapata-Jaramillo, C. M. (2012). Computational dialogues for requirement-elicitation, uses and components: a conceptual summary. Ingenieria Y Universidad, 15(2).