Published May 30, 2014


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César Augusto Peña-Cortés, PhD

Oscar Eduardo Gualdron, PhD

Gonzalo Guillermo Moreno-Contreras, MSc



This research proposes a Bruxism rehabilitation system designed to achieve recovery without the need of mouth devices which tend to be annoying to patients. The system is based on the capture of neural signals by detecting brain activity related to Bruxism processes. For the detection of these events, we used an easy access, commercial, low-price Brain Computer Interface (BCI). The rehabilitation system generates an alert sound that prevents the patients’ teeth to wear down during the hours of sleep without awakening them.


Bruxism, neuroscience, brain computer interface (BCI), brain control interface (BCI), instrumentationBruxismo, Neurociencia, Instrumentación, Control Cerebral

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How to Cite
Peña-Cortés, C. A., Gualdron, O. E., & Moreno-Contreras, G. G. (2014). Warning and rehabilitation system using brain computer interface (BCI) in cases of bruxism. Ingenieria Y Universidad, 18(1), 177–194.

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