Published Jun 7, 2012


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Yulieth Rossio Coronel-Picón, MSc

Nelson Obregón-Neira, PhD

Germán Leonardo Jiménez-Romero, MSc



Biophysical and socioeconomic data were gathered at the basin of the Otun River (Colombia) and then processed with the objective of identifying relationship patterns between the two types of information. This task was carried out by using Geographic Information Systems software (ArgGis 9.1 ®), the development of a code for the assessment of relationships (Matlab 7.1®), and data mining tools based on trees; using the J-48 algorithm developed at the Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis (WEKA). The identification of patterns allowed concluding that, at least, three physical variables (altitude, rainfall and temperature) and a socioeconomic variable (land use) influence the presence of mammals. This information will be employed in other studies related to Decision Support Systems in the real of management and conservation of wildlife at the basin.


Data mining, geographic information systems, Otun river (Risaralda, Colombia), decision treesMinería de datos, sistemas de información geográfica, río Otún (Risaralda, Colombia), árboles de decisión

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How to Cite
Coronel-Picón, Y. R., Obregón-Neira, N., & Jiménez-Romero, G. L. (2012). Relationship patterns between biological information and physical and socioeconomic information: The otun river Basin in Risaralda (Colombia). Ingenieria Y Universidad, 16(1), 265.