Performance of novel contact stabilization activated sludge system on domestic wastewater treatment
A pilot-scale study was conducted to evaluate a traditional contact stabilization activated sludge system (CSASC) and a modified CSAS (CSASM) treating domestic wastewater. The CSASC system was comprised of a contact reactor (CR), a stabilization reactor (SR) and a secondary settler (SS); the CSASM included a second CR, a second SS (CR2 and SS2), and a modified SR (SRM) divided into four zones: an attached-suspended growth zone which allowed the system to reach an average sludge retention time close to 36 d and favored the occurrence of nitrification; an anoxic zone for denitrification occurrence; an aerated suspended growth zone with a high presence of organic carbon; and an additional aerated suspended growth zone with a high ammonia concentrations environment. The CSASC’s removal efficiencies of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) were respectively 94±4 % and 53±12%; whereas CSASM’s efficiencies were 88±7% for COD and 92±7% for TAN. Concentrations of TAN and NO3 --N in the CSASC’s final effluent were 14.3±5.2 and 5.0±2.9 mg×L-1; and 4.8±4.4 and 9.1±5.8 mg×L-1 in the CSASM’s final effluent. Results demonstrated that the proposed configuration obtained higher nitrogen removal efficiencies than traditional CSAS.
activated sludge, contact stabilization, organic carbon, nitrogen removal, domestic wastewaterLodos activados, Estabilización por Contacto, materia orgánica carbonácea, material nitrogenado, agua residual doméstica
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