Published Aug 18, 2018


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Hamlet López García



This work seeks to contribute to the understanding of the digital participation in the culture in the Cuban scenario. To do so, the main outcomes from a qualitative study on a concrete participation experience in Cuba are displayed and analyzed based on the Grounded Theory: a free software community. The research results allow to conceptualize the digital participation in the culture just in the way they occur in Cuba, i.e., a strongly contextualized process depending on the institutional environment where it is being developed. This digital participation enables a more comprehensive and productive understanding of the culture under a theoretical and conceptual view.


digital participation in culture, free software, digital cultureparticipación digital en la cultura, software libre, cultura digitalparticipação digital na cultura, software livre, cultura digital

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How to Cite
López García, H. (2018). The study of digital participation in culture. Towards an analytical proposal for the Cuban scenario. Signo Y Pensamiento, 37(72).