Published Mar 4, 2019


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Óscar Orlando Gómez Pinto



This article presents an organizational simulation model applied to Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de Bogotá (ETB), to estimate the financial impact of business policies and strategies before their implementation, thus reducing the inherent risk of making inappropriate or inopportune decisions. The dynamic model represents the value chain of ETB, and the analysis of causality of the variables provides an understanding of the business model and the financial evaluation of the alternatives that arise as intervention policies in the system. This research constitutes a starting point for future research related to business modeling or simulation, and policy evaluation.


strategic management, systemic thinking, continuous systems simulation, managerial accounting, Balanced Scorecardadministración estratégica, pensamiento sistémico, simulación de sistemas continuos, contabilidad gerencial, Cuadro de Mando Integral

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How to Cite
Gómez Pinto, Óscar O. (2019). Simulation of the ETB business model: From financial accounting to simulation of corporate strategy. Cuadernos De Contabilidad, 19(48), 1–14.