Published Apr 18, 2023


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Berta Silva Palavecinos

Rafael Mellado Silva



This article presents the evolution of accounting research in Chile, based on the analysis of the publications made by Chilean researchers in WoS or Scopus-indexed journals from 1999 to 2020 and the articles accepted in the Permanent Conference on Accounting Research (CAPIC) between 2007-2020. The analysis of the number of publications and how it has evolved is shown, along with the axes of the different journals that have been part of the selection of researchers to publish their studies. The results show a greater penetration of Chilean studies in high-impact journals over the years, generating a more significant international presence. About the CAPIC conference, we seek to know the contribution made by the authors depending on the country, the university of affiliation, gender, and level of associativity. In the papers accepted in the CAPIC, accounting education is the thematic area most studied. Except in three years, women’s participation is lower than men’s. In the period studied, the universities with the highest participation in CAPIC are Colombian and Argentinean.


accounting research, accounting research currents, accounting research evolution, CAPIC, Chilepesquisa contábil, correntes de pesquisa contábil, evolução da pesquisa contábil, CAPIC, Chileinvestigación contable, corrientes investigación contable, evolución investigación contable, CAPIC, Chile

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How to Cite
Silva Palavecinos, B., & Mellado Silva , R. (2023). Evolution of Accounting Research in Chile: Review of 20 Years of Work and Future Perspectives. Cuadernos De Contabilidad, 24, 1–21.