
We allow ourselves to report that the Journal Cuadernos de Administración has changed its semester periodicity to continuous publication, this in order to gradually publish articles of interest to you, our readers.


Given the above, we are pleased to inform you that 6 articles in volume 33 - (Continuous Publication 2020), 1 corresponding to the regular edition of the Journal and 5 of the special Innovation in knowledge management through methodologies are already online . In this way, the Magazine will be available online and will work under the electronic ISSN 1900-7205, from the OJS platform.

Para nuestra revista es muy importante contar con sus aportes intelectuales, por ello agradecemos que los envios de sus artículos se generen por medio de la plataforma.

Igualmente, informamos que el cronograma de recepción anual de los mismos, se realiza entre:

febrero 01 a noviembre 30