Published Dec 2, 2016


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Lisana Belén Martinez

Antonio Terceño

Mercedes Teruel


This paper identifies the main determinants of sovereign bonds spreads,
considering the German and US government bonds as benchmarks, for countries within the European Union and the European Monetary Union,
from 2004 to 2011. The econometric methodology of panel data with fixed
effects is applied, and the results indicate high adjustments in the face
of the different benchmarks. The financial crisis shows a higher impact
in those countries within the Eurozone. Future lines of research could
contemplate a broader period of study, include more macroeconomic
variables and group the countries according to the similarity of their
fundamentals to conduct a more exhaustive analysis of the debt markets.

crise financeira, dados de painel, eurozona, spreads de bônus soberanossovereign bond spreads, euro area, financial crisis, panel data.spreads de bonos soberanos, euro área, crisis financiera, datos de panel.

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How to Cite
Martinez, L. B., Terceño, A., & Teruel, M. (2016). Sovereign Bond Spreads determinants during the last financial crisis: The European case. Cuadernos De Administración, 29(53), 77–100.