Published Dec 1, 2014


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António Carrizo Moreira

Hanna Leonidivna Karachun



This paper analyzes the scientific literature produced recently about new product development (NPD) in order to identify and classify the major fields of knowledge, possible connections, as well as the nature of articles and analytics tools used. A review of the literature was implemented on 461 articles focused on NPD, published in three leading journals between 2000 and 2010. It was possible to create 13 main categories, in which innovation, research and development, NPD products and processes and NPD teams stand out. Results conclude that NPD is multifaceted, includes multiple concepts and interrelated categories. Moreover, future studies need to complement qualitative with quantitative research and to analyze how small and large firms differ.

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How to Cite
Carrizo Moreira, A., & Leonidivna Karachun, H. (2014). An interpretative revision on new product development. Cuadernos De Administración, 27(49), 155–182.