Published Nov 26, 2015


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This article studies the SME banking relationship and the credit rationing
in the context of the current financial crisis. In this approach the
development of both concepts during the crisis is analyzed, as well as
the significance of their variations, applying the Test for Equal Means. In
this context of the crisis results show, on one hand, a significant increase
in credit rationing and the number of banking relationships, and, on
the other hand, a decrease in the level of trust in banks. It is suggested
that further studies analyze the development of the incidence of banking
relationship on credit rationing during the crisis.


crise financeira, racionamento de crédito, relação bancária, PMEs.crisis financiera, racionamiento de crédito, relación bancaria, PYMEFinancial crisis, credit rationing, banking relationship, SME.

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How to Cite
MENDIZABAL ZUBELDIA, A., & LERTXUNDI LERTXUNDI, A. (2015). Financial crisis, credit rationing and banking relationship of the Spanish SME. Cuadernos De Administración, 28(50), 39–59.