Published Sep 6, 2016


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Giovanna Aguilar Andía


This paper analyzes the competition between Peruvian microfinance
institutions (MFIs) using the Boone indicator, from 2003 to 2009. The
findings suggest that microfinance has been developing in a more competitive
environment that promotes financial inclusion and the development
of efficient institutions. In turn, it places on the authorities’ agenda the
responsibility for monitoring and preventing questionable practices in
the provision of credit that can lead to over-indebtedness of clients with
the deterioration of the loan portfolio of MFIs. For further research, it is
suggested to extend the period of analysis and/or to study the relationship
between competition, financial results of institutions and the level
of indebtedness of customers.

microfinanças, concorrência, indicador de Boone, microcréditoMicrofinance, competition, Boone indicator, microcredit.microfinanzas, competencia, indicador de Boone, microcrédito.

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How to Cite
Aguilar Andía, G. (2016). Competition between microfinance institutions in Peru, a measurement using the Boone indicator in the period 2003-2009. Cuadernos De Administración, 29(52), 169–198.