Published Nov 4, 2020


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Mercedes Campi

Marco Antonio Dueñas Esterling

Julio Cesar Zuluaga Jimenez



Intellectual property rights IPR and patents as mechanisms for promoting innovation have special relevance and debate in Colombia. This paper aims to explore the behavior of resident and non-resident patents during 1980 and 2010. In particular, it shows how this behavior could be related to the strengthening of intellectual property legislation and the process of economic liberalization and de-industrialization. The evidence suggests that IPRs have not incentivized local innovation but has only boosted patent applications from non-residents owned by a few multinational companies in some technological fields. Instead, firms resort to the use of alternative intellectual property mechanisms such as confidentiality agreements and industrial secrecy to manage their knowledge and appropriate the rents associated with their innovation efforts, which are characterized by the imitation and adaptation of foreign technologies. This evidence allows us to discuss the policy of strengthening IPRs and the incentives of invention patents as a mechanism to encourage innovation in Colombia.


Patentes, propriedade intelectual, inovaçãoPatents, intellectual property, innovationPatentes, propiedad intelectual, innovación

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How to Cite
Campi, M., Dueñas Esterling, M. A. ., & Zuluaga Jimenez, J. C. (2020). Do stronger intellectual property rights stimulate innovation? An exploratory analysis of patenting dynamics by industrial sectors in Colombia, 1980-2010. Cuadernos De Administración, 33.
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