Published Sep 3, 2019


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Jenny K. Rodriguez

Marcela Mandiola

Hernan Camilo Pulido Martinez

Alba Luz Giraldo Tamayo



This special issue presents discussions that, from a Latin American and Latin Americanist perspective, address the meaning of criticism and criticality in the production of knowledge about management and organizations. The works in this special issue leave aside the authoritarian representations that have sustained hegemonic ideas and use the knowledge produced in the margin as a starting point. This understanding of criticality is fundamental in a decolonial position (see Grosfoguel, 2007), which uses notions of rupture instead of notions of (re) intellectual negotiation. That is, the development of an epistemologically focused view of / towards the critical, seeking to reject domesticated criticisms that re-negotiate or re-formulate meanings that ultimately expand the dominant knowledge. This thought "from the margin" is then the hegemonic thought "from the margin."

How to Cite
Rodriguez, J. K., Mandiola, M., Pulido Martinez, H. C., & Giraldo Tamayo, A. L. (2019). Decolonial studies of management and organizations: Advances, challenges and prospects. Cuadernos De Administración, 32(58).