Published Aug 31, 2021


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Jaime Humberto Sierra-González

David Andrés Londoño Bedoya

Juan Manuel García-Ospina



Data on innovation financing in Colombia present a paradox: Manufacturing companies prefer to finance their innovation projects with their own capital, with bank loans in second place, and cheaper public funding last. Extant financial theories cannot explain such a paradox (reversed pecking order), making a different approach necessary. Hence, a new perspective is presented on the basis of Sierra’s (2014, 2020) proposal. A fixed effects panel estimation is carried out that includes three new variables: A Knowledge Incorporation and Consolidation System, interaction among companies and funders, a particular type of investor (Dedicated). The results support the alternative explanation. Additionally, research possibilities, designs and applications of public and organisational policy aimed to overcome some of the problems mentioned are proposed.


Alternative funding, investment strategy, project uncertainty, risk funding, strategic decision-making, paradoxFinanciamiento alternativo, estrategia de inversión, proyección de incertidumbre, financiación de riesgo, estrategia de toma de decisiones, paradojaFinanciamento alternativo, estratégia de investimento, projeção de incerteza, financiamento de risco, estratégia da tomada de decisões, paradoxo

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How to Cite
Sierra-González, J. H., Londoño Bedoya, D. A., & García-Ospina, J. M. . (2021). Innovation financing in Colombia: An explicative proposal. Cuadernos De Administración, 34.
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