Published Dec 1, 2010


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Luis Fernando Aguado Quintero



This article presents a review of the efforts and of the impediments that delimiting and economically measuring a sector as complex as the cultural sector involves. To do so, focus was placed on three methodological aspects: what goods and services to include, what methodologies to employ to assess them, and what advances to use, in order to harmonize the statistics for country comparisons. The author found that cultural sector delimitation models and fine-tuning the methodologies that appraise cultural assets enable a better understanding of how that sector works.



economics of culture, cultural assets, cultural value, cultural statisticseconomía de la cultura, bienes culturales, valor cultural, estadísticas culturaleseconomia da cultura, bens culturais, valor cultural, estatísticas culturais

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How to Cite
Aguado Quintero, L. F. (2010). Cultural Statistics: Seen from an Economics of Culture View. Cuadernos De Administración, 23(41).