Published Dec 1, 2010


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Ignacio Vélez Pareja



This article identifies three sources of risk for tax shields (TS): two of them are associated with debt risk and one is associated with operating risk. A set of conditions for defining risky debt associated with cash flow, not with earnings, is presented. It further shows that realization of tax shields for finite cash flows in a period of time t is correlated with Earnings before Interest and Taxes (EBIT) plus Other Income (EBITO), not with interest expenses at time t. The author questions the validity of Miles and Ezzell’s proposal. With the results of a Montecarlo Simulation (MCS) the behavior of tax shields, Cash Flow to Debt (CFD) and (EBITO) are examined. In conclusion, the article suggests that it is not reasonable to define the risk of TS as measured by a single discount rate, but rather as a mix of debt risk and operating risk.


firm valuation, tax shields, cash flows, Montecarlo Simulation, discount rate for tax shields, risky debt, risky tax shields, weighted average cost of capitalvaloración de la empresa, amparos fiscales, flujos de caja, simulación de Montecarlo, tasa de descuento para amparos fiscales, costo promedio ponderado del capitalcusto médio ponderado do capital, valorização da empresa, incentivos fiscais, fluxo de caixa, simulação de Monte Carlo, taxa de desconto para incentivos fiscais, riscos de alavancagem, riscos dos incentivos fiscais

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How to Cite
Vélez Pareja, I. (2010). Risky Tax Shields and Risky Debt: An Exploratory Study. Cuadernos De Administración, 23(41).