Published Jun 1, 2010


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Nancy Cardona

Gregorio Calderón



Scientific communities are characterized by their autonomy and by the fact that they interact in situations of uncertainty; such conditions make them dependent on the degree of trust that they are able to build while performing their labors. Although the above is theoretically acknowledged, few empirical studies have analyzed the relation of trust in research work. That is what motivated this research that was conducted from a qualitative perspective in 16 research groups in a Colombian public university. Results show that cognitive or rational trust alone is not sufficient; emotional trust must also be gained; furthermore, the article emphasizes the importance of trust when it comes to the management of the research groups, for obtaining resources as well as for the team’s proper academic performance. The findings are a springboard for new studies on this scientific community.


trust, scientific community, research work, research groups, social interaction, public universityconfianza, comunidad científica, trabajo investigativo, grupos de investigación, interacción social, universidad públicaconfiança, comunidade científica, trabalho investigativo, grupos de pesquisa, interação social, universidade pública

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How to Cite
Cardona, N., & Calderón, G. (2010). Trust in Research Work Interactions. A Study Conducted in Research Groups in a Colombian Public University. Cuadernos De Administración, 23(40).