Published Jun 1, 2010


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Alina Gómez Mejía



This article studies the relation between a risk capitalist’s investment strategy and the financed companies’ performance. The exploratory nature of the study and the scarcity of this type of entity in Colombia led to the decision of using a case study to analyze the experience of the Comfandi risk capital fund. After interviewing the different stakeholders and reviewing the Comfandi contracts and files, the fund investment strategy at the beginning of the investment period was identified as well as the changes that have occurred, which enabled establishing the associated problems. In the Colombian context, the results appear to confirm that the risk capitalist’s investment strategy does influence the performance of the financed companies. Indeed, companies financed by a risk capitalist with an active strategy would have better performance than companies financed by a risk capitalist with a passive strategy.



risk capital, new companies, agency theory, control, investment strategycapital de risco, novas empresas, teoria da agência, controle, estratégia de investimentocapital de riesgo, empresas nuevas, teoría de la agencia, control, estrategia de inversión

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How to Cite
Gómez Mejía, A. (2010). Influence of a Risk Capitalist’s Investment Strategy on the Financed Companies’ Performance: the Case of the Comfandi Risk Capital Fund. Cuadernos De Administración, 23(40).

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