Published Jun 30, 2019


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Jaime Rodríguez Matos



I approach the problem of the lack of foundation in the Caribbean academic discourse. This article deals with emptiness as the very heart of historicity. In this context, I mainly dialogue with La hoja de mar (:) Efecto archipiélago (2016), by Juan Carlos Quintero Herencia, and the recent novel by Carlos Fonseca, Coronel Lágrimas (2015). It is about addressing the question of an-archy, the vacuum, and the lack of ground seen in terms of the archi-pelago that breaks the horizon of the principle of reason, since the archipelago effect is an effect without cause (Quintero Herencia 34), exactly what the principle of reason forbids.


Anarchy, Quintero Herencia, Carlos Fonseca, Coronel Lágrimas, Post-hegemonyanarquia, Quintero Herencia, Carlos Fonseca, Coronel Lágrimas, pós-hegemoniaanarquía, Quintero Herencia, Carlos Fonseca, Coronel Lágrimas, poshegemonía

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How to Cite
Rodríguez Matos, J. (2019). The Poetry of Absent Plenitude: on the Impossible Principle of the Caribbean. Cuadernos De Literatura, 23(45).
Dossier: De la identidad al poshumanismo: cartografías críticas del Caribe hisp.