Published Dec 30, 2019


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Thomas Matusiak



In this article, I propose a theory of the cinematic dispositif that traces the serial production of fragmented bodies, typical of cinema, back to the spectacle of the guillotine. I argue that this device foreshadows modern media. In its characteristic use of the close-up and montage, cinema is a machine that continuously produces severed heads. Today, the violent relation between cinema and the head is prevalent in Mexico, where decapitation videos are produced and subsequently circulate on the Internet. I call these homemade films ‘cinematic crimes’, in which the defaced victim is reduced to a severed head. To this end, I analyze a uniquely cinematic response to this process in Post Tenebras Lux, the fourth feature film by Mexican filmmaker Carlos Reygadas.


Mexico, violence, decapitation, montage, close-up, Carlos ReygadasMéxico, violencia, decapitación, montaje, primer plano, Carlos Reygadascinema, México, violência, decapitação, montagem, primeiro plano, Carlos Reygadas

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How to Cite
Matusiak, T. (2019). Cinematic Crimes: Montage and Decapitation. Cuadernos De Literatura, 23(46).