Published Aug 10, 2022


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Aldenilson Costa



The use of the potential of big data presents challenges for the management of cities, especially when intelligent systems are introduced in the mobility system, which affect the lives and movements of people in cities. The objective of this analysis is to evaluate the intelligent urban mobility systems of the city of Rio de Janeiro. The methodology is based on the recognition of data from mobility applications, added to data from the metro, tram and shared bicycle systems, which allow the identification of the different intelligent systems and their spatiality in the city territory. The result reveals that there is a selective spatiality of intelligent mobility systems in Rio de Janeiro, which privileges some neighborhoods, according to criteria that do not correspond to the demands of the population, and shows the need to break with the exclusionary historical pattern of mobility


social inequality;, smart mobility;, Rio de Janeiro;, technological systemsdesigualdad social;, movilidad inteligente;, Río de Janeiro;, sistemas tecnológicosdesigualdade social;, mobilidade inteligente;, Rio de Janeiro;, sistemas tecnológicos

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How to Cite
Costa, A. (2022). Intelligent urban mobility systems in Rio de Janeiro: a critical assessment. Cuadernos De Vivienda Y Urbanismo, 15, 21.