Published Jun 20, 2013

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Emma Regina Morales-García de Alba



Providing green areas in cities like Puebla in Mexico is limited due to the incapacity of the Municipality to coordinate its own territorial planning and land use. The investigation methodology includes the analysis of case linked to three aspects: property, green areas and municipal urban planning. The case ExRancho Rementería was chosen for this investigation because of its social, legal, political and environmental complexity where a private property is considered as green area by the municipality without an intervention project. The result of this analysis is not a model but a compilation of experiences useful for municipal authorities to instrument policies with citizen actions to transform the city and provide green areas and public space binding common purposes from public sector, private sector and civil population.


Areas verdes, espacio público, establecimientos humanos y uso de la tierra, planificación urbana, políticas públicas, Puebla de los ÁngelesÁreas verdes, espaço público, estabelecimentos humanos e uso da terra, planejamento urbano, políticas públicas, Puebla de Los AngelesGreen Areas, Human Settlements and Land Use, Public Space, Public Policies, Puebla de los Angeles, Urban Planning

How to Cite
Morales-García de Alba, E. R. (2013). Municipal Urban Planning, Green Areas and Private Property in Puebla, Mexico. Case Study: Exrancho Rementería. Cuadernos De Vivienda Y Urbanismo, 2(4). Retrieved from