Published Jul 3, 2018


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Pery Saraiva Neto



Based on the notion of environmental crisis and the fact that the State, society and companies have been creating mechanisms to foster sustainable development, it is considered that in the legal sphere, the economic instruments of environmental protection, which stand out the Environmental Insurance. It is demonstrated that, although still tenuous, environmental insurance is progressing in Brazil, not a legal obligation, but rather a gradual evolution and adequate to the demands of the market. Given this context, it is important to note that environmental insurance must be properly adjusted to modern legal, jurisprudential and doctrinal constructions on environmental civil liability, with concern for the insertion and consolidation of environmental insurance in an appropriate, profitable and lasting way. It discusses the peculiarities related to environmental risks and damages, analyzing in particular the way in which the jurisprudence of the Superior Court of Justice has been dealing with issues of environmental litigation. It is concluded that the Environmental Law that has been implemented by the Courts has been using significant innovations in environmental civil liability, both material and procedural law, which is a scenario of uncertainties, a factor that makes difficult the implementation of insurance techniques. The main elements related to the insurance technique are presented, emphasizing the need for insurance to act in stable and predictable legal scenarios. Such assumptions, it is shown, are not present in Brazilian law. The European legal model of environmental risk assurance is analyzed, highlighting the predictability and safety possible, from clear legal frameworks on environmental responsibilities. Finally, the potential and benefits of the insertion of environmental insurance in the system of protection of the environment, especially as an instrument with preventive and reparatory advantages, are demonstrated.


Environment, Risks, Insurance, Legal uncertainties, PredictabilityMeio ambiente, Riscos, Seguros, . Incertezas jurídicas, PrevisibilidadeMedio ambiente, Riesgos, Seguros, Incertidumbres jurídicas, Previsibilidad

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How to Cite
Saraiva Neto, P. (2018). Insurance for Environmental Risks and the Problem of the Delimitation of Environmental Infortunism in a Scenario of Diffused and Complex Risk: Legal Aspects in Brazil. Revista Ibero-Latinoamericana De Seguros, 27(48), 105–144.
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