The interpersonal relationship at work and be nursing
This article talks about some advances that we have been searching for many years.
The nurse's department of the Javeriana University, through intellectual activity seeks the elaboration of different concepts, which are close to building the competence of the humane nurse and their professional behavior. At the beginning, it talks about different concepts as discipline and practice, so we can reflect and analyze some important aspects like the humane being, interpersonal relations and the main concern that the nursing profession works to ward. Finally and answering different aspects of the professional practice, it establish some bases on the job thet the nurses have to carry out day by day.
How to Cite
Torres Pique, A. M. (2011). The interpersonal relationship at work and be nursing. Investigación En Enfermería Imagen Y Desarrollo, 1(1), 30–33. Retrieved from
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