Published Nov 1, 2018


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Patrícia Peres de Oliveira

Andrea Bezerra Rodrigues

Juliana Gimenez Amaral

Maraísa dos Santos Kubo

Edilene Aparecida Araújo da Silveira



Objective: To know, with the adoption of the Jean Watson's Theory, the experience of the nursing professional in the development of care and relationship with institutionalized elderly. Method: Exploratory, descriptive and qualitative study, based on Watson's Theory of Human Caring, in which participated 24 employees from long-term institutions for the elderly, located in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Data were collected through interviews conducted from November/2012 to February/2013, examined by content analysis and categorization was in accordance with the adopted theoretical framework. Results: Pointed out that care was unveiled in the humanization of care and in the interpersonal relationship between nursing professionals and the elderly. Care anchored in nine of the 10 items of Clinical Caritas Processes and, despite reports expressing its principles, there was some lack of preparation front of the finitude/death. Conclusion: The professionals demonstrated knowing and using essential human elements in elderly care, as advocates Watson; however, they need to (re)construct ways to deal with the events of death.

How to Cite
Oliveira, P. P. de, Rodrigues, A. B., Amaral, J. G., Kubo, M. dos S., & Silveira, E. A. A. da. (2018). A humanização da assistência na ótica de profissionais que cuidam de idosos. Investigación En Enfermería Imagen Y Desarrollo, 20(2).
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