Published Jul 22, 2020


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Natalia Esquivel Garzón

Luz Patricia Díaz Heredia



Introduction: The Orientation to Life questionnaire measures the sense of coherence, a concept related to the use of coping resources that have a positive influence leading to a better quality of life and sense of well-being for adults with cardiovascular disease. Objective: To determine the validity and reliability of Antonovsky's Orientation to Life questionnaire in adults with arterial hypertension. Method: Methodological study in which cultural adaptation was carried out and the reliability and face, content, and construct validity were determined. In the cultural adaptation, a process of translation, consensus, and back-translation was followed. Content and face validity were met by expert judgment, using the Fleiss' kappa coefficient and modified Lawshe index statistical tests. Two hundred and twenty people participated in the construct validity and reliability test. Reliability was calculated using the Cronbach's alpha statistical test. Results: In terms of face validity, the instrument reported a Fleiss kappa index greater than 0.41, interpreted as moderate agreement. The content validity index was satisfactory with 0.87; the exploratory factor analysis reported three factors with a total explained variance of 36.21%. Cronbach's alpha was 0.82 for the full scale. Conclusions: The Spanish version of the Orientation to Life instrument presents an adequate content validity and reliability index for use in the local context. It is necessary to continue its application in other groups and times to continue refining its validity.


psicometria; estudos de validação; senso de coerência; enfermagempsychometry; validation studies; sense of coherence; nursingpsicometría, estudios de validación, sentido de coherencia, enfermería

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How to Cite
Esquivel Garzón, N., & Díaz Heredia, L. P. (2020). Validity and reliability of Antonovsky’s Orientation to Life questionnaire (SC-29 items), Spanish version. Investigación En Enfermería Imagen Y Desarrollo, 22.
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