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Consuelo Granja Palacios


This qualitative study with a descriptive and interpretive approach aims to characterize the pedagogical communication in teacher-student interaction in a group of students from first, second and sixth semesters of an undergraduate program at a private university in the city of Bogota. The pedagogical communication is characterized by affective, regulating and socializing functions, where dialogue is one of the forms of communication. Intrinsic and extrinsic factors favor the interaction in a scenario in which different cultures are intertwined with ways of being and acting that promote educational practice, involving the teacher as mediator, model and friend of knowledge.

educação, comunicação, discente, interação, comunicação na educação, métodos de ensino, o ambiente de sala de aula, o processo de ensino-aprendizagem, relação professor-aluno, o ensino superior.educación, comunicación, alumno, interacción comunicación en educación, métodos de enseñanza, ambiente del aula, proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje, relaciones maestro-estudiante, educación superior, education, communication, education, communication, student interaction, Communication in education, teaching methods, classroom environment, teaching-learning process, teacher-student relations, higher education,

How to Cite
Granja Palacios, C. (2013). Characterization of educational communication in teacher-student interaction. Investigación En Enfermería Imagen Y Desarrollo, 15(2), 65–93. Retrieved from
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