The Communication of Thermodynamics. Physics, Culture and Power in Spain in the Second Half of the 19th Century
This article analyzes the forms in which thermodynamics was communicated and appropriated in the Spain of the second half of the nineteenth century. The laws of thermodynamics are assumed here as cultural artifacts that are used in an active and creative manner by different historical actors. It is highlighted that these laws articulated several social discourses related to the exercise of power. The article begins with a methodological reflection about doing history of science in the so called “peripheral contexts”, and tries to shed light on the debate about the nature of scientific activity. It will argue that assuming this activity as a global communication and appropriation process could offer new methodological and analytical possibilities. The article suggests that from this perspective, the traditional historiography of great heroes, ahistorical scientific disciplines, and passive reception of scientific theories could be successfully overcome.
Termodinámica, discursos sociales, comunicación de la ciencia, España siglo XIXThermodynamics, Social Discourses, Science Communication, Spain 19th Century
How to Cite
Pohl-Valero, S. (2014). The Communication of Thermodynamics. Physics, Culture and Power in Spain in the Second Half of the 19th Century. Memoria Y Sociedad, 13(27), 121–142. Retrieved from