Published Jun 1, 2014

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Reinaldo Guerrero Gutiérrez

Juan de Dios Flórez Díaz

Juan de Dios Flórez Díaz

Luz Elena García García


The University of Manizales, through theCenter for Research on Environment andDevelopment (CIMAD) and the Masters inSustainable Development and Environment, develops and implements the research project“State and prospects of possibilities for adaptationand mitigation of the impact of climatechange in different regions of the country”. Thisproject proposes, among others, to explore theconditions mitigating the impacts of changethat may be present on vulnerable populationsand their willingness to prevention, and also todescribe the risk mitigation actions developedat the state and private sectors.In this article we present the mitigation conditionson the Colombian Atlantic Coast, and the publicand private actions that are being developed toachieve this goal, understanding mitigation ashuman intervention to reduce climate impacts onthe affected population by climatic events throughsource reduction strategies and emissions ofGreenhouse Gases (GHG) and promotion of sinks(forest conservation and restoration).

investigación, mitigación, intervención humana, reducción de emisiones, cambio climático, acciones públicas y privadasresearch, mitigation, human intervention, emissions reduction, climate change, public and private actions

How to Cite
Guerrero Gutiérrez, R., Flórez Díaz, J. de D., Flórez Díaz, J. de D., & García García, L. E. (2014). Status and Prospective of Potential Impact Mitigation of Climate Change on the Atlantic Coast Region. Papel Político, 19(1), 121–146. Retrieved from
Political Science